Elderberry cakes with Sisi elderflower essence

Elderberry cakes with Sisi elderflower essence


  • 6 elder flowers fresh from the elder bush
  • 125g flour 1
  • tablespoon of oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Sisi Elderflower Essenzia
  • pinch of salt
  • Milk as needed
  • 250g clarified butter for frying


The flowers of the elderberry bush are divided into small bunches, swirled in fresh water to clean them, and dried well on a cloth. The flour is mixed with milk, the egg yolk, Sisi elderflower essence and salt to form a creamy dough. Beat the egg whites into egg whites and stir in. Heat the clarified butter in a small saucepan. Then you take the elderberry bouquets at the end of the stem, dip them one by one in the dough, carefully place them in the hot lard and let them bake golden yellow in the simmering fat. To degrease, you put them on Zewa and dust them with powdered sugar.


ca. 20 Minutes

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