Salsify soup with saffron
- 500 g black salsify
- 1 l vegetable stock
- 1 green onion
- 30 g butter
- 125 ml sour cream Peel and quarter
- 1 potato
- ½ teaspoon sea salt Black pepper from the mill
- 2 tbsp saffron balm
Pinch of nutmeg grated preparation Peel the salsify with a vegetable peeler. Cut and wash. Peel and chop the onion and brown briefly in butter with the potatoes. Pour the vegetable stock on top. Salt and pepper. Add the salsify and nutmeg and let everything simmer until soft. (Approx. 40 minutes) Add the sour cream and the saffron balm. Mix with the hand blender until smooth. Garnish the roasted pine nuts and a little saffron with the soup.